HellCreator Project by Dmitry Salomatine
Israel 2003
Original file name: II4M.lua

   1  print("Enviroment:",_VERSION);-- It will work in Lua4
   2  print("Programed by Dmitry Salomatine\nIsrael 2003.");
   3  print("Numerical Integration.");
   4  print("Integral value calculation in 4 methods.");
   5  print("System representation of e :"..exp(1));
   6  startval=1;-- integral from
   7  endval=2;-- integral to
   8  print("Integral of x*exp(x)dx from "..startval.." to "..endval);
   9  handbookvalue=exp(endval)*(endval-1)-exp(startval)*(startval-1);
  10  print("HandBook value :"..handbookvalue);
  11  err=0.0005; -- epsilon for delta (error) checks
  12  print("Epsilon used: "..err);
  13  grv=12;--default round level
  14  print("Default round to: "..grv.." after point");
  15  startn=10;-- start number of area partitioning
  16  --begin loadin codes from ...
  17  dofile("TrapezaM.lua");--contain Trapezoid method function
  18  dofile("SimpsonM.lua");--contain Simpson aproximation method function
  19  dofile("POTM.lua");--contain Taylor's series method function
  20  dofile("MonteCM.lua");--contain Monte-Carlo method function
  21  --rounds values to requested reliability
  22  function roundval(v,to)
  23      local fs;
  24      if to then
  25         fs=format("%%.%df",to);
  26      else
  27         fs=format("%%.%df",grv);--default round to
  28      end
  29      --return rounded value according to accuracy
  30      return (0+format(fs,v));
  31  end
  32  --setup our function
  33  function our_f(val)
  34   return val*exp(val);
  35  end
  36  --Create the end tables
  37  t1={name,bi,bv,bn,bh,relerr};
  38  t2={name,bi,bv,bn,bh,relerr};
  39  t3={name,bi,bv,bn,bh,relerr};
  40  t4={name,bi,bv,bn,bh,relerr};
  41  --create the union table
  42  tm={};
  43  --set up member values
  44  tm[1]=t1;
  45  tm[2]=t2;
  46  tm[3]=t3;
  47  tm[4]=t4;
  48  --call to the methods
  49  tm[1].name="Trapezoid";
  50  tm[1].bv,tm[1].bi,tm[1].bn,tm[1].bh=Trapezoid_Method(our_f);
  51  print("Value: "..tm[1].bv,"Iterations: "..tm[1].bi,"N: "..tm[1].bn,"h: "..tm[1].bh);
  52  tm[1].relerr=(abs(tm[1].bv-handbookvalue))/handbookvalue*100;
  53  print("Relative error: "..tm[1].relerr.."(%)");
  54  print("Press Enter");
  55  read"*l";
  56  tm[2].name="Simpson";
  57  tm[2].bv,tm[2].bi,tm[2].bn,tm[2].bh=Simpson_Method(our_f);
  58  print("Value: "..tm[2].bv,"Iterations: "..tm[2].bi,"N: "..tm[2].bn,"h: "..tm[2].bh);
  59  tm[2].relerr=(abs(tm[2].bv-handbookvalue))/handbookvalue*100;
  60  print("Relative error: "..tm[2].relerr.."(%)");
  61  print("Press Enter");
  62  read"*l";
  63  tm[3].name="Taylor";
  64  tm[3].bn=0;
  65  tm[3].bh=0;
  66  tm[3].bi=0;
  67  tm[3].bv=PolinomOfTaylor_Method();
  68  print("Value: "..tm[3].bv);
  69  tm[3].relerr=(abs(tm[3].bv-handbookvalue))/handbookvalue*100;
  70  print("Relative error: "..tm[3].relerr.."(%)");
  71  print("Press Enter");
  72  read"*l";
  73  tm[4].name="Monte-Carlo";
  74  tm[4].bh=0;
  75  tm[4].bi=0;
  76  tm[4].bn=0;
  77  tm[4].bv=MonteCarlo_Method(our_f,1000000);
  78  print("Value: "..tm[4].bv);
  79  tm[4].relerr=(abs(tm[4].bv-handbookvalue))/handbookvalue*100;
  80  print("Relative error: "..tm[4].relerr.."(%)");
  81  print("Press Enter");
  82  read"*l";
  83  --print header of table
  84  function hmy()
  85  print(format("%-11s|%-14s|%-5s|%-10s|%-9s|%-14s|","Method","Value","Part","Iteration","The h","Err(%)"));
  86  end
  87  --print data of table
  88  function pmy(t)
  89  ts=format("%-11s|%14.12f|%5d|%10d|%9.7f|%14.12f|",t.name,t.bv,t.bn,t.bi,t.bh,t.relerr);
  90  print(ts);
  91  end
  92  hmy();
  93  pmy(tm[1]);
  94  pmy(tm[2]);
  95  print("\nMore methods have been called")
  96  hmy();
  97  pmy(tm[3]);
  98  pmy(tm[4]);
  99  -- just to wait for responce and not to close window automaticaly
 100  print("Press Enter To Exit");
 101  read"*l";
 102  exit();

Lua source files to HTML converted 06/14/03 10:15:47