HellCreator Project by Dmitry Salomatine
Israel 2003
Original file name: MonteCM.lua

   1  --calc_func : declared in main module as function
   2  --maxN      : amount of randoms to proceed
   3  --rv        : round to value actualy may be nill too
   4  function MonteCarlo_Method(calc_func,maxN,rv)
   5      print("\nMonte Carlo method");
   6      print("I=(b-a)*Sigma[f(xi)]/N");
   7      print("Requested "..maxN.." random values");
   8      local curentI=0;
   9      local tv;
  10      local brange=maxN;--just store in local
  11      local bord1=startval*brange;--low level
  12      local bord2=(endval*brange)+1;--hight level
  13       --begin sumarize function value in random x place
  14      for ti=1,brange do
  15         --get random value between a and b
  16         tv=(random(bord1,bord2))/brange;
  17         curentI=curentI+calc_func(tv);
  18      end --of for
  19      --do it by formula
  20      curentI=roundval((curentI*(endval-startval))/(brange),rv);
  21      return curentI;
  22  end

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