HellCreator Project by Dmitry Salomatine
Israel 2003
Original file name: POTM.lua

   1  -- just calculate to third deriative
   2  -- x  : value to calculate
   3  function der(x)
   4      local t;
   5      t=(x^4)-(x^3)+3*(x^2)-x;
   6      return t;
   7  end
   8  --rv        : round to value actualy may be nill too
   9  function PolinomOfTaylor_Method(rv)
  10      print("\nSeries Of Taylor method");
  11      print("Derivative level 3");
  12      print("I=e/6*[(x^4)-(x^3)+3*(x^2)-x] from "..startval.."to "..endval);
  13      print("It is precalculated formula so just find it for our values");
  14      local curentI=exp(1)/6*(der(endval)-der(startval));
  15      return roundval(curentI,rv);
  16  end

Lua source files to HTML converted 06/14/03 10:15:48