HellCreator Project by Dmitry Salomatine
Israel 2003
Original file name: SimpsonM.lua

   1  --calc_func : declared in main module as function
   2  --rv        : round to value actualy may be nill too
   3  function Simpson_Method(calc_func,rv)
   4      print("\nSimpson method");
   5      print("I=h/3*[f(a)+f(b)+2*Sigma[f(x(even))]+4*Sigma[f(x(odd))]]");
   6      local prevI;
   7      local curentI=0;
   8      local n=startn;
   9      local hofset;
  10      local iteration=0;
  11      local doneornot=0;
  12      local evenssigma;
  13      local oddssigma;
  14      while doneornot~=1 do
  15         iteration=iteration+1;
  16         evenssigma=0;
  17         oddssigma=0;
  18         hofset=(endval-startval)/n;--calculate h
  19         --begin sumarize the midle placed values
  20         local tcount=1;
  21         local i=startval+hofset;
  22         while i<endval do
  23            if 0==mod(tcount,2) then
  24               evenssigma=evenssigma+calc_func(i);
  25            else
  26               oddssigma=oddssigma+calc_func(i);
  27            end
  28            i=i+hofset;
  29            tcount=tcount+1;
  30         end --of for
  31         --just by formula
  32         curentI=roundval(hofset/3*(calc_func(startval)+calc_func(endval)+oddssigma*4+evenssigma*2),rv);
  33         --we not checking first iteration because we havn't previous
  34         if iteration~=1 then 
  35            if err>abs(curentI-prevI) then --actualy it is called epsilon
  36               doneornot=1; 
  37            end
  38         end
  39         print("Curent iteration: "..iteration,"I: "..curentI);
  40         prevI=curentI;--store curent value for later use
  41         if doneornot==0 then
  42            n=n*2;--make it bigger by two
  43         end
  44      end --of while
  45      return curentI,iteration,n,hofset;
  46  end

Lua source files to HTML converted 06/14/03 10:15:48