
Lua source files to HTML converted04/22/03 19:13:14

   1  -- SDI_HellCreator
   2  -- Salomatine Dmitry.
   3  --
   4  -- Israel
   5  -- original sdi_appw.lua
   6  -- revision 13.04.2003
   7  -- start app window definition
   8  require("sdi_class");
   9  require("sdi_types");
  10  require("sdi_ext");
  11  AppWindow = {}
  13  local AppWindow_mt = Class(AppWindow)
  15  -- via new function must provide arguments
  16  function AppWindow:new(title,px,py,sx,sy,tbpp,tcva_arb,tmt_arb)
  17    arbs={};
  18    arbs[1]=ARB_ext:new("compiledvertexsarray_arb",tcva_arb);
  19    arbs[2]=ARB_ext:new("multitexture_arb",tmt_arb);
  20    t_r=Rect:new(px,py,sx,xy);
  21    return setmetatable({w_title=title,w_r=t_r,w_bpp=tbpp,app_arbs=arbs}, AppWindow_mt);
  22  end
  24  --default constructor for object via new
  25  function AppWindow:AppWindow()
  26    return AppWindow:new("No Title",0,0,640,480,16,0,0);
  27  end
  28  -- set/get name of object(1=set)
  29  function AppWindow:Title(sg,title)
  30   if sg==1 then -- set
  31      self.w_title=title;
  32   else -- get
  33      return self.w_title;
  34   end
  35  end
  36  -- set/get position
  37  function AppWindow:Pos(sg,x,y)
  38    if sg==1 then -- set
  39      self.w_r:Pos(x,y);
  40    else -- get
  41      return self.w_r:Pos();
  42    end
  43  end
  44  -- set/get size of window
  45  function AppWindow:Size(sg,x,y)
  46    if sg==1 then --set
  47      self.w_r:Size(x,y);
  48    else -- get
  49      return self.w_r:Size();
  50    end
  51  end
  52  -- set/get bits per pixel
  53  function AppWindow:BPP(sg,tbpp)
  54    if sg==1 then --set
  55      self.w_bpp=tbpp;
  56    else -- get
  57      return self.w_bpp;
  58    end
  59  end
  60  -- prints all information
  61  function AppWindow:Pinfo()
  62      print("Window title is"..self:Title());
  63      print("Window position is",self:Pos());
  64      print("Window size is",self:Size());
  65      print("Window Bits Per Pixel is",self:BPP());
  66      --print all extensions
  67      for ti=1,next(self.app_arbs,ti)+1 do
  68      self.app_arbs[ti]:Pinfo();
  69      end
  70  end
  71  -- creating window and seting its properties
  72  mainwindow=AppWindow:new("Kill Them All By Dmitry Salomatine",0,0,640,480,16,1,1);
  73  mainwindow:Pinfo();