
Lua source files to HTML converted04/22/03 19:13:13

   1  -- SDI_HellCreator
   2  -- Salomatine Dmitry.
   3  --
   4  -- Israel
   5  -- original sdi_obj.lua
   6  -- revision 13.04.2003
   7  -- start obj definition
   8  require("sdi_class");
  10  Obj = {}
  12  local Obj_mt = Class(Obj)
  14  -- via new function must provide arguments
  15  function Obj:new(name,px,py,pz,dx,dy,dz,sx,sy,sz)
  16    return setmetatable({objname=name,pos={x=px, y=py,z=pz},
  17    dir={x=dx, y=dy,z=dz},
  18    sf={x=sx, y=sy,z=sz}}, Obj_mt)
  19  end
  21  --default constructor for objject but its just duplicate of new:)
  22  --function Obj:Obj()
  23    --return setmetatable({objname="NoName",pos={x=0, y=0,z=0},
  24    --dir={x=0, y=0,z=0},
  25    --sf={x=0, y=0,z=0}}, Obj_mt)
  26  --end
  28  --default constructor for objject via new
  29  function Obj:Obj()
  30    return Obj:new("NoName",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
  31  end
  32  -- set/get name of object(1=set)
  33  function Obj:Name(sg,name)
  34   if sg==1 then -- set
  35      self.objname=name;
  36   else -- get
  37      return self.objname;
  38   end
  39  end
  40  -- set/get position
  41  function Obj:Pos(sg,x,y,z)
  42    if sg==1 then -- set
  43      self.pos.x=x;
  44      self.pos.y=y;
  45      self.pos.z=z;
  46    else -- get
  47      return self.pos.x,self.pos.y,self.pos.z;
  48    end
  49  end
  50  -- set/get direction
  51  function Obj:Dir(sg,x,y,z)
  52    if sg==1 then --set
  53      self.dir.x=x;
  54      self.dir.y=y;
  55      self.dir.z=z;
  56    else -- get
  57      return self.dir.x,self.dir.y,self.dir.z;
  58    end
  59  end
  60  -- set/get Scale Factor
  61  function Obj:ScaleF(sg,x,y,z)
  62    if sg==1 then --set
  63      self.sf.x=x;
  64      self.sf.y=y;
  65      self.sf.z=z;
  66    else -- get
  67      return self.sf.x,self.sf.y,self.sf.z;
  68    end
  69  end
  70  -- prints all information
  71  function Obj:Pinfo()
  72      print("Obj's name is"..self:Name());
  73      print("Obj's position is",self:Pos());
  74      print("Obj's direction is",self:Dir());
  75      print("Obj's scale is",self:ScaleF());
  76  end
  78  --test objects creation and copyng and default constructor
  80  ob1=Obj:new("Cube",0,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,1);
  81  ob2=Obj:new("Cilinder",10,10,10,0,1,0,1,1,1);
  82  ob1:Pinfo();
  83  ob2:Pinfo();
  84  ob3=ob1:copy();-- create ob3 and copy ob1 to ob3
  85  ob3:Name(1,"NewName");-- set new name
  86  ob3:Pinfo();
  87  ob4=Obj:Obj();
  88  ob4:Pinfo();