
Lua source files to HTML converted04/22/03 19:13:14

   1  -- SDI_HellCreator
   2  -- Salomatine Dmitry.
   3  --
   4  -- Israel
   5  -- revision 13.04.2003
   6  -- start all engine lua definition
   7  SDI={"Dmitri Salomatine","","Israel.","2003"};
   8  -- It must be lua 5.0 and our api called "SDI_game rendering engine"
   9  -- just for record SDI_GRE must be initialized in host program
  10  -- Check if it "Lua 5.0" and API="SDI_GRE"
  11  function SDI_CLAV()
  12     if _VERSION=="Lua 5.0" then 
  13        if _APPNAME=="SDI_GRE" then
  14         echo(_VERSION," SUPPORTED FOR GEScript\n");
  15        else
  16         print("It is NOT SDI_GRE\n");
  17         os.exit();-- in version 5
  18        end
  19    else 
  21      read"*l";
  22      exit();-- in version 4
  23    end
  24  end
  25  SDI_CLAV();-- check if we in the right enviroment at all ha ?
  26  table.foreach(SDI,echo);-- just print info example of foreaching
  27  require("sdi_class");-- load class and object definition
  28  require("sdi_types");-- load some types definition
  29  require("sdi_obj");-- load some object definition
  30  require("sdi_appw");