HellCreator Project by Dmitry Salomatine
Israel 2003
Original file name: ml_util.lua

   1  -- SDI_HellCreator
   2  -- Salomatine Dmitry.
   3  -- sdihellcreator@bezeqint.net
   4  -- Israel
   6  --some useful utillity functions defined here
   8  -- check passed arguments if they are numbers
   9  function isNum(x)
  10      if type(x)=="number" then
  11         return 1;
  12      end
  13      return 0;
  14  end
  15  function isNum2(x,y)
  16      if isNum(x) and isNum(y) then
  17         return 1;
  18      end
  19      return 0;
  20  end
  21  function isNum3(x,y,z)
  22      if isNum(x) and isNum(y) and isNum(z)then
  23         return 1;
  24      end
  25      return 0;
  26  end
  27  -- returning the smal first the big second
  28  function swapbigger(a,b)
  29   if a<b then
  30      return a,b;
  31   end
  32   return b,a;
  33  end

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