codes for free
for all this?
Porting to Windows/Linux/Mac OS's
ROAM Technology
LOD-Level Of Details
ROAM it is the most interesting algorithm today for fast and clearly rendering
of terrain objects in 3D applications such geometry CAD and 3D games.
The critical limitations for all engines always was hardware speed and available RAM,but
in the last time coming up more and more vendors that providing most powerfull 3D accelerators
with incredible builtin functions supported by OpenGL and DirectX technologies.
In case of algorithm we have more then one implementation but all of them
doing it in nearest way binary/quad trees,recursion functions and minimal update calls.
If you interesting then visit Proton2
Or go to my terrain generator page Teragen
Starting primitive
Going to up level enginering
Actualy nowadays we can't waste time for primitive programming int13h,BGI,DX,GL.
Each time you start project ask your self - "do you wana to do all from begining"?
Use High Level portable API's to save time(if it comercial project-save money).
Use Already exist portable libraryes to manage scene in rendering,phisics and logic cases.
Use portable script system to make it easy tuning without recompiling.
Lose your Window
Out to the new worlds
So you write in Turbo C ,MSVS ,Borland compiler and IDE or what ever but can run it only on Microsoft platform isn't?
Start think positive and first start things ANSI and POSIX that can avoid a lot of mistakes when porting to Linux for example.
So we have three problems and each one have solvation :)
First - how to port Windowing stuff.
Second - how to port graphics stuff.
Third - how to compile all.
Windowing and graphics can do for us SDL or GLUT,each one exist and implemented well on Windows and Linux,
so we need to get it from here SDL,Messa or just check if it already installed.
Compiling ??? Start think gcc :) It is Free and Portable and ANSI.
Will be continued!!!